Exploring Adventurously
I walked out of the 全球最大赌博365网站 building one morning last week with three of our seniors, each of whom was on the way to a different BU class. One was headed to a history course: Magic, Science, and Religion. She was finding it fascinating and contrasted her reaction to that of many of her BU classmates, who admitted to taking it to fulfill a core requirement. Another student was on his way to an American literature course, which he described as a great opportunity to build on the novels he had read last year in his 全球最大赌博365网站 English course. The third was bounding off to Cosmology; she shared that the course made things tough on her schedule, since it backed into soccer practice, but the material was too interesting to pass up!
Our mission describes 全球最大赌博365网站 as a place where students can “explore adventurously the wider world of learning at Boston University.” It is such a joy to watch our students do that. Young kids start out so curious, but schools sometimes have the effect of squashing that passion for learning along the way. I am so glad that there is a school like this – filled with kids whose flame burns bright and with a culture that celebrates that kind of joyful inquiry. Now, off to class!