
By Public Transportation

Take the MBTA Green Line “B” trolley to the Boston University Central stop. Keeping the Marsh Chapel on your right and Radio Shack on your left, walk one block west to University Road and the Academy entrance.

By Car

Use the interactive map below to obtain individualized driving directions to the Academy.




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Visitors may park in the Upper Bridge Lot (Lot H), adjacent to the Academy building.

全球最大赌博365网站 Parent Parking Policy

  • Active pick-up/drop-off is permitted along the side entrance of the 全球最大赌博365网站 building.  There is space here for up to four vehicles.
  • BU Academy parents may park for free up to two hours if visiting campus on school-related business.
  • Limited parking is available in the Upper Bridge Lot (Lot H) at 1 University Road on a first-come, first-served basis; overflow parking will be sent to Agganis Arena Lot (Lot A) at 925 Commonwealth Avenue, and then Langsam Garage (Lot B) at 278 Babcock Street in the event that the Agganis Lot is full.
  • Parking attendants in each of these lots have been given a list of current 全球最大赌博365网站 parents; drivers should notify the parking attendant that they are a 全球最大赌博365网站 parent upon arrival.
  • BU Academy offers free parent parking for community events: parking for Fall Festival and for Parent Day/Picture Day is at the Agganis Arena Lot (Lot A)
  • Parents should notify the front desk (617-353-9000) with any issues.
  • A link to the BU campus parking map is HERE.
  • Metered street parking is available along Commonwealth Avenue.  The meters take five quarters ($1.25) per hour.
  • You can pay for street parking via the ParkBoston app, available through the Apple or Android stores on your smartphone.

To request admission materials, please complete an online request form or call the Admission Office at 617-358-2493.